Category: PCK


Histology Blackboards

When I started out teaching, all that was available to me was chalk and a blackboard (actually, three blackboards).  I quickly learned 3 things about teaching: Students want to learn Presenting content in an appealing way makes a difference Coloured sidewalk chalk is the way to go when you’re working...


Lesson Plan Analysis (UBC – ETEC 512)

To me, one of the more useful exercises in ETEC 512 was the Lesson Plan Assignment.  Not having had any formal teaching training, I had no experience developing lesson plans – my lessons were generally planned out in my head, and they generally involved lists of things I needed to...


Vygotskian Website (UBC – ETEC 512)

The website was produced as part of a group assignment for the ETEC 512 Conference on Learning.  The objective was to help us and our classmates learn more about one of the theories we were studying, as well as to explore the limits and constraints of applying educational theories...