Category: PD Summaries

This category is used to collect together summaries of some of the more interesting Professional Development sessions that I have attended.

These summaries are really just meant for my own use. I decided to start writing them fairly recently in order to act as a reminder of the content of the session, and to create an opportunity to reflect on how I could apply it to my own teaching.

PD Session Summary:  Cognitive ‘Nudges’ in Teaching 0

PD Session Summary: Cognitive ‘Nudges’ in Teaching

Presentation: Implementing Cognitive ‘Nudges’ to Promote Student-Centered Learning Experiences January 16th, 2018. This presentation was part of a PD Day at Qatar University.  The speaker, Dr. Chris Stryker, discussed how the idea of a ‘nudge’, as popularized by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein’s book “Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth,...

PD Session Summary:  Authoring with H5P 0

PD Session Summary: Authoring with H5P

Presentation: Contemporary Authoring with H5P November 14th, 2017. This presentation was given by John Allan (member of the CNA-Q Blended Learning Committee) as part of a regular series of talks hosted by the Doha eLearning Developers Guild.  John introduced and demonstrated some of the features of a relatively new eLearning...

PD Session Summary: PBL Workshop Summary 0

PD Session Summary: PBL Workshop Summary

I wrote this summary to help me remember some of the details of this PD session.  I tried to include as much detail as possible. Professional Development Session on Problem Based Learning February 17th, 2015. Presentation was given by Dr. Wendy Newstetter from Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech. It really...