This final domain is the intersection of the three main knowledge areas. It is where, according to Koehler and Mishra (2009), they all can be applied to produce the most effective learning activities. This is because technology is being applied to present content in a pedagogically-sound way – technology is not being used just because it’s “flashy” and “exciting”, but because it enables the design of enhanced learning experiences for students.
One of the courses which allowed me to make an attempt at linking all three domains was ETEC 565A. This course allowed me to select a platform and then to start producing course content on a topic of my choosing – I chose to work on a course which I plan to convert into a blended format.
Once the course ended, I was also able to apply my experience with ETEC 565A as well as Bates’ SECTIONS framework (Bates, 2014) directly to my work in the very next semester.